Digital Story

William Scott: A Journey Home

On April 14, 2023, William Scott received the news he had gotten into UNC-Chapel Hill. A decision now had to be made that would very likely affect the rest of his life.

For two years, Scott had attended the University of Vermont, where he ran track and field and studied geography. Despite enjoying his time at Vermont, at the beginning of his sophomore year, Scott knew the University of Vermont was not the school for him.

Coming out of high school, Scott was looking to go to a school where he could run track and field and study geography. Vermont was the only school that fit that bill as they offered Scott a spot on their track and field team and the school has an excellent geography program. 

Unfortunately for Scott, the stress and mileage of being a Division 1 track and field athlete took a toll on his body. Scott suffered numerous injuries during his two years at Vermont. He finally realized that the Division 1 lifestyle was not one he was meant for.

These injuries are what led to Scott’s decision to transfer to a different school. However, there was a big question Scott asked himself as to where he would go to school: Where can I go to school that is closer to home and I can study geography while still fulfilling my love for running? There was only one answer to that question: The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Being from Winston-Salem, North Carolina, Chapel Hill is only about an hour and a half drive home for Scott. A big difference from the 14 hour drive from the University of Vermont to Winston-Salem.

This difference played a huge factor in determining whether or not to go to UNC-Chapel Hill. The proximity to home was something Vermont simply could not offer. Like many college students and many people in general, the ability to travel home with ease and being able to spend time with family was one Scott needed in his new school.

While Scott is not a member of the official track and field team for UNC-Chapel Hill, he did join the running club at UNC to help satisfy his desire to run competitively. The running club at UNC-Chapel Hill enables Scott to create similar memories to those he created as a Division 1 athlete. He can continue to practice running with friends while competing against runners from other schools. 

The most positive effect that the run club has had for Scott is the benefits it has provided for his body. While keeping him in shape, Scott can also pick and choose which days he wants to run or compete. Therefore, aside from a minor injury in his first semester, the running club has allowed Scott to do what he loves without putting too much unnecessary stress on his body. 

At the same time, Scott is getting as good of an education a public university can provide by studying geography at UNC-Chapel Hill.

It is never going to be easy to come into a new school as a junior and immediately feel at home. Regardless, Scott has done a great job settling in to his new school and his new home.

-William Scott,+North+Carolina/data=!4m8!4m7!1m2!1m1!1s0x4cb4dc6c48daceff:0x264d897436546bb4!1m2!1m1!1s0x8853a19b82d6b277:0x50325f54b43f8245!3e0?sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj1zan0v4iDAxWCrmoFHYjuA44Q-A96BAgQEAA,minor%20to%20catastrophic%20and%20fatal.,participating%20in%20their%20respective%20sport.,compared%20to%2066%25%20for%20freshmen.